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Advisory Board established to seek new ideas and intensify cooperation in the traffic data ecosystem

Fintraffic is constantly seeking new ideas and perspectives from its stakeholders to help develop the company’s activities. A new Advisory Board has been established to boost innovation and intensify cooperation. The Advisory Board will be coordinated by Fintraffic, and will bring together notable expertise in both traffic data and the Finnish data economy. The board consists of seven external members from companies in different sectors, and three Fintraffic employees who have been involved in the data ecosystem from the outset.


“External advisors are most useful when you need new ideas and fresh perspectives. We’re delighted to have such a broad range of top professionals to spar with. I believe that the Board’s work will promote both traffic data utilisation and cooperation within the sector,” says Janne Lautanala, Fintraffic’s Chief Ecosystem and Technology Officer.


The Traffic Data Ecosystem Advisory Board:

Taina Haapamäki, FLOU

Tommi Holmström, Ahola Digital

Mika Honkanen, Digital and Population Data Services Agency

Jan Juslén, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

Marjukka Niinioja, Osaango

Ilkka Pirttimaa, Innotrafik

Jani Poutiainen, Finnish Meteorological Institute


Fintraffic representatives:


Mika Ahvenainen

Janne Lautanala

Jaakko Rintamäki
