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Contact Details

Fintraffic Air Navigation Services Ltd
Postal address: P.O.Box 157, 01531 Vantaa

Switchboard +358 20 4284 000 (opening hours 8‐16)

Phone costs: from landline phone 8.35 cents/call+16.69 cents/min, from mobile phone 8.35 cents+16.69 cents/min.

personal email addresses:
ans(at) - enquiries
invoices(at) - invoice enquiries

VAT FI27678401
Y-tunnus 2767840-1

Billing information

Fintraffic Air Navigation Services Ltd utilizes Basware e-invoicing services to speed up the purchasing and paying processes. We kindly ask you to provide invoices primarily electronically.

You will receive the required invoice reference information from our contact person. The invoice reference information should always include the name of the contact person and the order number. Our general term of payment is 30 days net.

Invoicing address for electronic invoices: 003727678401 Operator BAWCFI22.