FINEST program - Air Navigation Service co-operation with Estonian Air Navigation Services (EANS)
Air Navigation providers Fintraffic ANS and Estonian Air Navigation Services (EANS) have a long record of excellent cooperation in the field of Air Traffic Management because of their adjacent areas of responsibility and especially the need to coordinately manage the traffic flows to/from biggest airports under their responsibility – Helsinki Airport and Tallinn. After implementation of cross-border Free-Route airspace in our region the opportunity and demand for further cross-border cooperation was there. In 2016 both companies shared interest for more enhanced cross-border cooperation. The objective of FINEST is to achieve optimal performance in the areas of service provision, cost efficiency, capacity, flight efficiency, environment, continuity and safety.
The FINEST cross-border service area consists of Helsinki and Tallinn FIRs (EFIN and EETT) between FL095 until FL660. Within this area the ATC sectors are designed according to the traffic flows instead of national borders. The provision of ATC service within these sectors is dynamically transferrable between Tallinn and Helsinki ACCs.
The objective is to be achieved by:
- organizing cross-border, homogenous, dynamic, cost-efficient, more environmentally friendly, safely and competitive Air Navigation Services by Fintraffic ANS and EANS for the benefit of airspace users
- designing the airspace to support most efficiently today’s and future traffic flows
- developing and implementing technical environment (e.g. one FDP in the ATM system) supporting the dynamic cross-border services
- establishing the common rostering for EANS and Fintraffic ANS ACC personnel
- ensuring continuous contingency in service provision
- harmonizing and enhancing working methods and procedures within Tallinn FIR and Finland FIR in order to ensure further development of ATC capacity in accordance with EU/SES requirements
The FINEST program is already in implementation phase and major technical system changes have been procured. As both companies have been using Thales TopSky system for more than a decade, the upgrade to unified solution is the cornerstone for this dynamic service provision. As we aim for the efficiency in all areas of the cooperation, the environmental aspect has been taken seriously into account.
The FINEST objectives and roadmap are and will be built in the context of the EU requirements, the legislative framework of the Single European Sky and SESAR Deployment Program (DP). The objectives of the program are in line with the “Future Airspace Architecture Study” published by the SESAR JU together with Network Manager in April 2019. The industry as well as Network Manager’s support are essential in order to comply with the implementation plans.
MROT - Remote Air Traffic Control Services
Multi Remote Operating Tower (MROT) could be a way to promote cost-efficiency, more flexible air navigation services and safety in the air navigation sector. It would enable a flexible provision of air traffic control services for several airports from a single workstation. This would improve both airport service levels and preparedness in air traffic control. It would also enable us to provide air traffic services at a lower cost.
Fintraffic Air Navigation Services launched the change negotiations concerning the MROT project in June 2023. It decided to continue planning the MROT project together with airport service company Finavia and to start preparing the tendering process. The decision to start the tendering process was made in December 2023.