Finnish passenger and freight transport is largely based on smooth and efficient traffic on our roads, stretching more than 78,000 kilometres. At Fintraffic’s Road Traffic Management, we ensure safe and smooth traffic on the roads 24/7 – in all conditions.
Fintraffic’s Road Traffic Management with its more than 90 experts collaborate closely with an extensive partner network – from authorities to transport end users. Our services include designing technical systems for roads, tunnels and border crossings; providing and maintaining traffic light and automatic surveillance infrastructure; producing road weather data; and providing continuous traffic monitoring and information.
Our handprint is visible in the everyday lives of motorists
Traffic safety is created through anticipation. We therefore aim to ensure that traffic on Finnish roads flows as safely and smoothly as possible in all conditions.
You can directly see our handprint when you are on the road. We control traffic and relieve congestion on the busiest motorways by means of, for example, electronically changing speed limits and information signs. In addition to taking care of motorists, we ensure the smooth passage of public transport and emergency vehicles. The latter is manifested, for example, as green waves of traffic lights for ambulances.
At the core of everything we do is data. For example, our road weather service continuously produces up-to-date information on weather and road conditions. The information collected is utilised especially in road maintenance, where the importance of road condition information is emphasised especially during the winter season. We also share data directly to motorists. For example, you can hear our traffic announcements on the radio or receive information directly to your vehicle’s navigator. As a motorist, you can also check the weather and road condition data via different services. You can, for instance, view the weather and road condition data along your own route through the Fintraffic Traffic Situation service or on Fintraffic Mobile app.