Sustainable Flow – sustainable flow of goods and decreased CO2 emissions of transportation
Life and business in Central Baltic countries is extremely dependent on the Baltic Sea in transportation of goods. With this said, the transport sector also emits greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). Sustainable Flow aims to create more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable maritime logistics for the future by creating a digital tool and concept for reducing CO2 emissions.
Measures to reduce CO2 emissions are at the core of Sustainable Flow. The project’s goal is to create practical tools for stakeholders as well as increase knowledge in using digital tools and the possibilities of energy saving and renewable energy in traffic systems to reduce CO2 emissions nationally, locally, and internationally.
Sustainable Flow is globally the first project focusing both in developing digital tools and in energy savings and renewable energy to reduce CO2 emissions in transport sector, especially in maritime and ports.
What are the final outcomes of Sustainable Flow?
The project is divided into two work packages. The first one will create a digital tool to reduce CO2 emissions and support energy saving measures. The second work package will create a concept of energy savings and renewable energy for CO2 reductions in intermodal transport nodes and systems, particularly ports.
Seven Central Baltic pilot ports will develop and test digital solutions together with the other project partners. During the project, the pilot ports will receive a digital tool that will support and help make decision making easier.
What are the goals of Sustainable Flow?
Sustainable Flow offers a strong base for developing intermodal and multimodal transport systems. By the end of the project in 2026, the pilot ports will have the ability and capability to be smarter, greener, and safer, as well as more cost-efficient, co-operative, sustainable, secure, and easier to access. The goal is to gain a total reduction of 10 % in CO2 emissions in the pilot ports in the third year of the project and in a large extent three years after the project ends. CO2 reductions will also be seen in other Central Baltic area ports that will take the project’s concept and digital tool into use in their own operations.
What is Fintraffic´s Vessel Traffic Services' role in the project?
As a partner focusing on sustainability, Fintraffic´s Vessel Traffic Services will contribute to the Sustainable Flow project with their experience and knowhow in maritime services to ports and hinterlands, developing e-navigation, and Vessel Traffic Services.
Information about the project:
- Interreg project (EU) – Central Baltic Programme
- duration 1.5.2023 – 31.5.2026
- project budget: 3 421 725,64 € (Fintraffic’s budget 253 875,52 €)
Project partners:
- SAMK (Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu) – Lead Partner
- Fintraffic´s Vessel Traffic Services
- Sjöfartsverket (Swedish Maritime Administration)
- Högskolan på Åland (Åland University of Applied Sciences
- International Transport Development Association (ITDA)
- Tallinn Tehnika Ulikool (Tallinn Technical University)
- Transportföretagen (Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises) – Ports of Sweden
- Seven pilot ports: Rauma, Pori, Tallinn, Mariehamn, Riga, Oxelösund, Norrköping
See more info here.