Fintraffic Air Navigation Services Ltd is committed to the protection of privacy and personal data
This Privacy Policy was last updated on 14/10/2022
Ensuring smooth and safe air traffic is based on the utilisation and distribution of information between the parties involved in air traffic. Fintraffic Air Navigation Services Ltd, (hereinafter referred to as “Air Navigation Services”), is strongly committed to protecting privacy and personal data in accordance with data protection legislation and good data protection practices.
This privacy policy describes how Air Navigation Services processes personal data in the services it provides. In order to make this privacy policy as easy to read as possible, we first describe the personal data processed in each service, the purposes of the processing and the retention periods. We will then describe what is common in the processing of personal data across all services.
Please note that Air Navigation Services may have parallel privacy policies. This privacy policy does not apply to the processing of personal data of Air Navigation Service’s own employees or personal data related to general customer service, such as customer feedback, in Fintraffic Group's online service, which has a separate privacy policy here.
Personal data processed by Air Navigation Services, purposes of the processing and retention periods
This section describes the personal data processed by Air Navigation Services in each service type. This section also describes the purposes for which the personal data are processed and for how long they are retained.
Providing personal data to Air Navigation Services is usually mandatory in order for Air Navigation Services to carry out its statutory tasks. This means that if you or your employer’s representative does not provide the requested personal data, Air Navigation Services will usually not be able to provide a service, such as issuing a requested statement. However, when we request personal data via the forms referred to in this Privacy Policy, for example, we try to indicate when the provision of personal data is voluntary.