The world’s safest, smoothest and most environmentally friendly traffic
Responsibility is an integral part of Fintraffic’s core business. Our goal is for Finland to have the world’s safest, smoothest and most environmentally friendly transport system. We work towards this goal every day. We treat the transport sector as a single entity in order to ensure that traffic is as safe and smooth as possible, and to generate as much benefit for society as possible with the lowest possible emissions.
On a global scale, we are an exceptional company, as we are responsible for controlling all modes of transport and providing traffic data and services to a wide range of stakeholders. This also gives us a unique opportunity to influence major transport sustainability themes, such as climate issues and traffic safety.
We have a unique opportunity to influence major transport sustainability themes
It is not enough for us simply to be responsible. We want to better understand how our services indirectly affect society and the environment. Only in this way can we help our customers, stakeholders and the whole of Finland to develop an even more sustainable transport system.
Principles of our responsibility
Key values in the responsibilities of Fintraffic are security and safety, environment, people and economy.
We firmly support Finland’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2035 and the Paris Agreement’s objective to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees. We are also committed to supporting the UN Global Compact’s Action Plan and its principles relating to the environment, labour, human rights, and anti-bribery and anti-corruption activities. Fintraffic supports UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Fintraffic reports in accordance with the framework by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and adheres to the reporting standards. The GRI indices can be found in our Annual Report.