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Fintraffic's traffic announcements are now delivered to the navigation systems of different vehicle manufacturers by POST Luxembourg

From 3 July 2024, the Data for Road Safety ecosystem will provide drivers with more comprehensive situational information on Finnish roads: vehicle manufacturers and other parties belonging to the Data for Road Safety ecosystem will be able to share Fintraffic's traffic announcements in their own navigation systems via POST Luxembourg.

POST Luxembourg plays a central role in advancing road safety initiatives across Europe, providing the technological backbone that supports the convergence of data from multiple sources and produces relevant traffic information, enabling the ecosystem to harness the potential of Big Data analytics, and empowering experts from various sectors to gain invaluable insights that pave the way for effective road safety strategies. 

Fintraffic uses open data and services to accelerate the transport and logistics sector's progress towards safer, smoother and more environmentally friendly traffic. 

"In the Europe-wide Data for Road Safety cooperation, we have been able to work closely with various actors in the field to consider best practices for the use of safety-enhancing traffic data in road traffic. In this cooperation, the traffic announcements we produce are a natural opening for us to now start sharing safety-based data in the ecosystem," explains Aapo Anderson, CEO of Fintraffic's Road Traffic Management.

Digitalisation and the ever-increasing amount of traffic data are constantly providing us with new opportunities for developing the transfer of data between traffic infrastructure and vehicles and travellers.

“In the Data for Road Safety ecosystem, we are constantly striving to make the data we collect from traffic and sensors support safer road transport. The recently implemented data transmission will allow us to relay information on traffic, incidents and weather conditions directly to in-vehicle infotainment systems, so that drivers can get a more comprehensive and up-to-date overall picture while on the road. Next year, during the 2nd phase of Fintraffic's Digitie project, we will be able to receive messages from vehicles and to utilise near-real-time road network data from vehicle manufacturers in both traffic control and the traffic data ecosystem”, Aapo Anderson continues.

Fintraffic makes things move on land, at sea and in the air. Our goal is to enable the safest, smoothest and most environmentally friendly traffic in Finland through smart services and close cooperation with partners. As a traffic management operator that combines different modes of transport, we have at our disposal a large amount of mobility data that benefits an ever-growing number of users. Our services and open data contribute to the functioning and safety of the traffic system, the daily lives of households, the operations of businesses, and the entire Finnish society. The data is utilised, for example, in various map services, in the work of rescue operators, in traffic planning, and in optimising the maintenance of routes.

The aim of the Data for Road Safety ecosystem is to improve road safety by maximising the availability of safety-related traffic data produced with vehicle and infrastructure safety information. The cooperation includes ERTICO, Acea, CEDR, BMW, Ford, Volvo, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and Here, to name a few. Additional information:
