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Digitalisation boosts the development of Finland's transport system and new services

Reduction of transport emissions, accessibility of the entire country, Finland's competitiveness and economic challenges are requiring more and more from the transport system and the services it provides. In order for Finland to benefit fully from its transport system and speed up the creation of new services, traffic management company Traffic Management Finland is proposing a strong increase in the digitalisation rate of the Finnish transport system. This will be done by building a more comprehensive real-time situational picture of traffic events and infrastructure on land, at sea and in the air through the digital platform of traffic data and the joint work of transport operators.

Traffic Management Finland has published its updated strategy up to 2024, which aims to build the world’s safest, smoothest and most environmentally friendly transport in Finland.

“In order for the transport system to support the accessibility of the whole country, ecological sustainability and Finland’s competitiveness as well as possible with well-functioning travel and transport chains, the reform of transport must continue. It is essential that the potential of digitalisation is fully utilised in the development of transport. A more comprehensive, secure digital exchange of information between different actors, systems, vehicles and infrastructure is a prerequisite for a functioning transport system, and for the emergence of new services,” says Pertti Korhonen, CEO of Traffic Management Finland Ltd.

“In line with our strategy, we are committed to improving traffic safety and smoothness even further with smart traffic management solutions and new transport services based on real-time data. In this way, we are creating conditions for the emergence of door-to-door travel chain services consisting of different modes of transport, and for efficient freight logistics, reduced transport emissions and improved accessibility of Finland and its various regions,” Korhonen continues.

“The Group's task is to accelerate progress, in which successful moves toward development of the transport ecosystem attract more operators and customers, and also improve the operating conditions and competitiveness of companies in the transport industry. It is great that these issues have been placed at the heart of the company's new strategy. We therefore hope that the Group, in cooperation with the agencies in the relevant administration, will build strong partnerships with stakeholders in developing new services based on customer needs in order to promote the creation of new service markets and the development and competitiveness of the Finnish transport market,” says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.  

Traffic Management Finland's strategic objectives and key projects

Strategic objectives:

  • Safe and smooth transport and optimised transport system
  • High-quality and efficient traffic control services
  • Better services for both passengers and logistics
  • Growing added value for customers and stakeholders
  • Excellent and renewing work community

Strategic key projects:

1) Determined improvement of transport safety

Improving traffic safety means developing the overall safety of the entire transport system – from traffic control to prevention of road accidents and environmental damage, and transport logistics safety. This means, for example, raising the level of preparedness, developing cyber and information security, and an even deeper understanding of risk management.

2) Reform of the traffic management operating model

Our traffic management will be developed and renewed in order to guarantee safer, smoother and more environmentally friendly transport in the coming years. In our operations, we actively look for solutions to improve our service level, taking into account quality and efficiency requirements. This work includes developing operational processes, systems and management models, developing job descriptions and competence, and increasing automation to minimize human error. With the resources at our disposal, we want to bring Finland maximum benefit.

3) Creating a world-class transport ecosystem

We are developing the future of transport, where one big goal is to create a unique network of transport operators in Finland that is unique on a global scale and makes the most use of information. In order to be realised, this calls for close cooperation between transport operators (e.g. objectives, co-development solutions), digital transport infrastructure (e.g. technical platform, data formats and data sharing) and digital traffic rules (e.g. standards for cooperation and data transfer, and templates). This entity enables a functioning transport ecosystem, the construction of which we want to take responsibility for, in accordance with the task assigned to us by the state. We believe that a strong transport ecosystem is a factor that increases the ecological, social and economic sustainability of the transport system and significantly accelerates the emergence of new transport and logistics services in Finland.

4) Real-time situational picture of traffic, i.e. digital twin

We are working to increase the digitalisation rate of the transport system. Real-time modelling of transport system infrastructure and events (so-called digital twin) enables us to manage, refine and share real-time traffic-related information, optimise traffic and help operators in the industry to develop new services. This will speed up, for example, travel and freight chains, improve the attractiveness of public transport and support the emergence of service innovations and regional equality.  At the same time, we can produce information that helps optimise infrastructure investments and their maintenance.

5) Utilising and developing expertise, good management and a business culture that supports reform

Our will is to provide meaningful work for the best experts in the field. To this end, we are working together to build a company culture that supports renewal and breathes courage and innovation. We support the continuous learning of our staff and ensure that our leadership is professional, people-friendly and fair.

Background information on the digitalisation of transport

The digitalisation of transport means the active production, refining and utilisation of data in all parts of the transport system. The data generated by traffic can be used in the design, control, maintenance and optimisation of the transport system as well as in the production of new services, improvement of customer experience and in increasing the degree of automation of vehicles. The full-scale utilisation of data requires that the information produced by different organisations, vehicles and users is cross-utilised.

In the coming years, investments will have to be made in the layers of digital transport infrastructure, in which commercial companies will not be able to invest due to excessive risk or uncertain expectations of returns, but which will definitely be needed in order to digitise the Finnish transport system.

Background information on Traffic Management Finland

Traffic Management Finland Ltd manages traffic on land, sea, and air. The services and traffic information provided by the Group help companies create new solutions for the movement of people and goods. Intelligent traffic control and management services, up-to-date traffic information, and the expertise of the company's 1,100 professionals improve traffic safety and flow and help reduce emissions. Traffic Management Finland is a sustainable mobility promoter and a globally unique operator.

