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Tempo D Application

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Application to AMC for the establishment of a temporary danger area.

Apply for a temporary danger area using this form. See section 3.10.2 of the ASM Operations Manual and Finnish Defence Forces’ instructions for aerial photographers before filling in the form.

Establishing a temporary danger area is subject to a charge.

Price: EUR 240 (+VAT 24%)


(Enter a name to identify the area, e.g. a place name such as Halsua)
(Mandatory if the radius/size of the area is larger than 12610m or 500km²)
(LATITUDE WGS84 degrees/minutes/seconds, e.g.: 632825N)
(LONGITUDE WGS84 degrees/minutes/seconds, e.g.: 0240941E)
(In metres, e.g. 1500. If the radius of the area is larger than 12610m, an aerial photography permit from the Finnish Defence Forces is required first)
(WGS84 coordinates, at least three points  starting from the northernmost point clockwise. The last point which is the same as the first point, does not need to be provided.)
(LATITUDE WGS84 degrees / minutes / seconds, e.g.: 632825N) (LONGITUDE WGS84 degrees / minutes / seconds, e.g: 0240941E) Operations
more items
(In metres using three digits, e.g. 050. Maximum upper limit 150 m)
(In format hh:mm
UTC=during standard winter time EET -2h, during daylight saving time EEST -3h)
(In format hh:mm
UTC=during standard winter time EET -2h, during daylight saving time EEST -3h)
(If necessary, daily time in format: 09:00-15:00
or separately by day in format:
29.10.2018 09:00-13:00, 30.10.2018 10:00-14:00, 31.10.2018 09:00-15:00)
(One or more items of contact information to be published in NOTAM, separated by a comma, e.g. 0501231234, 0401234567, FREQ 155.150)