Traffic management services operated reliably and to a high standard in all modes of transport throughout the year. The development of digital services for companies, authorities, application developers and consumers progressed as planned, and the use of the services increased. We introduced the free Fintraffic App, which provides a picture of the traffic situation.
We boosted the efficiency of the road, vessel and rail traffic management services provided to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency by EUR 30 million between 2019 and 2022, and set a new efficiency target of EUR 30 million for the period 2023–2028. We are firmly on track to meet this target: in 2023, we achieved efficiency improvements of EUR 5 million in service production. The performance targets set for the air navigation services were also achieved.
Development of the traffic management systems made progress: systems were harmonised and centralised, and the degree of automation was increased. Implementation of the information and cyber security development programme continued.
Implementation of the traffic management and digital services development strategy progressed as planned. The Digirail project aimed at modernising the train control system of the Finnish rail network reached the development and verification stage. The remote air traffic control project was put out to tender. The new solutions for vessel traffic services received international recognition. Measures improving services in road traffic included the introduction of travel time displays providing crowdsourced information on Ring Road III.
The company fine-tuned its internal operations and made them more efficient. As a result, wellbeing at work improved, and staff members now feel that values are reflected in everyday work better than in the past. MIELI Mental Health Finland granted Fintraffic the Hyvän Mielen Työpaikka (mental-health friendly workplace) certificate for the period 2023–2024.
Key figures for 2023
- The Group’s revenue was EUR 242.2 (228.9) million
- Operating profit totalled EUR 6.3 (7.6) million
- Efficiency improvements of EUR 5 million were achieved
- Fintraffic employed an average of 1,160 (1,133) persons in 2023
- A total of 4.7 billion API calls were made to Digitraffic, Fintraffic’s open data service
- The volume of data shared during the year was 11% higher than in 2022
- More than 200 companies are already involved in the data ecosystem work promoting traffic digitalisation.
Benefits of our services to society
- A total of 20 incidents were prevented in vessel traffic, of which 13 involved vessels prevented from running aground
- Finland is number one in Europe in rail passenger safety
- About 200 fewer road traffic accidents resulting in personal injuries each year
- In air traffic, delays reduced by more than 350,000 flight minutes (=EUR 35 million) and CO2 emissions reduced by 75,000 tonnes
- The value created by Fintraffic for transport data economy amounts to about EUR 40 million each year
CEO Pia Julin, Fintraffic:
‘Ensuring traffic safety and preventing accidents is Fintraffic’s core task. At the same time, we are making determined efforts to ensure smooth traffic flows and reduce emissions by, for example, optimising routes and speeds, by preventing congestion and by ensuring unhindered exchange of information between actors. Our role as a provider of traffic management services in all modes of transport, combined with the promotion of traffic digitalisation, has boosted the development of services in the sector and the sharing of expertise between modes of transport. I would like to extend my warm thanks to all Fintraffic staff members for their excellent work and thank our partners for smooth cooperation.’
Fintraffic’s annual report package for 2023 has been published on the company’s website at
The annual report package comprises the report of the board of directors, financial statements, governance and remuneration report, and the annual report. The annual report also includes the responsibility data based on GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards. In 2023, Fintraffic also carried out the double materiality assessment in accordance with CSRD standards and is preparing for the introduction of new regulation.
Fintraffic communications,