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New Traffic Management Finland Group responsible for the traffic control and management of all modes of transport

The fully state-owned traffic control conglomerate Traffic Management Finland Group started its operations at the beginning of 2019. It comprises the parent company Traffic Management Finland Ltd (TMF) and its subsidiaries specific to the form of traffic.

Traffic Management Finland is a fully state-owned special assignment group operating under the ownership steering of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The Group is tasked with providing advanced traffic control and management services as well as ensuring the safety and smooth running of traffic responsibly in all modes of transport. It is also responsible for the collection, management and utilization of information related to control services. Subsidiaries and their respective areas of responsibility:

  • Finrail Ltd is responsible for rail traffic control and management
  • Intelligent Traffic Management Finland Ltd (ITM Finland) is responsible for road traffic control and management
  • Vessel Traffic Services Finland (VTS Finland) is responsible for marine traffic control
  • Air Navigation Services Finland (ANS Finland) is responsible for air navigation

The Group will employ just over 1,000 people in total throughout Finland.
The change will not affect cooperation or the services provided. Operations and services will continue without interruption and are to be developed further.

Special assignment safeguards key functions for society

Traffic Management Finland is a fully state-owned special assignment group operating under the ownership steering of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The special assignment set for the Group safeguards the essential traffic control services required by society, the authorities and commerce. The special assignment also ensures reliability of service in case of disturbances under normal conditions and in exceptional circumstances.

Close cooperation between authorities remains key

Responsibility for traffic control operations and the associated infrastructure will be transferred to the Group as such. Personnel, facilities, systems and equipment will remain unchanged.

The undisturbed continuation of cross-administrative cooperation related to traffic control operations will be safeguarded throughout the change while also ensuring the conditions for developing cooperation and improving the efficiency of operations.

There will be no changes in the cooperation with the authorities or other stakeholders, and all communication channels will also remain unchanged. The majority of existing cooperation platforms will also continue to operate as before. Operations and cooperation will be actively developed.

Group to assume responsibility for traffic situation and incident communications

Going forward, the Group will be responsible for operative traffic situation and incident communications. Such situations include, for example, various disturbances on the road or rail network. In addition to real-time traffic situation data, the Group also provides advance information on situations that affect the quality of traffic flow on routes and the functionality of the transport system. The Group is responsible for communicative anticipation in exceptional traffic situations, such as exceptional weather conditions, holidays (Christmas and Midsummer traffic notices) and major public events.

Traffic and incident communications have previously been carried out by the Finnish Transport Agency. Similar service will continue provided by the Group. As of 1 January 2019, the Finnish Transport Agency is the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency; it is responsible for the state’s road and rail network, waterways as well as their development and coordination of land use.

The website of Traffic Management Finland:
