What is the weather like on the Finnish road network? Our 420 road weather stations and more than 240,000 road condition camera shots per day guarantee that data is available. We are responsible for road traffic management on Finland’s highways 24/7/365. Our road weather service provides constant real-time information about the weather and its development for the needs of road maintenance and traffic management services.
The information helps in allocating the resources of winter maintenance, in particular. Accumulated traffic data also allows for more efficient traffic announcements and traffic control according to changing weather conditions.
Summarised road condition information throughout Finland
We are responsible for the whole nationwide chain of the provision of road weather information, including, in addition to a extensive measurement and monitoring equipment network, the data collection and processing software and the user interface provided to contractors.
Major operators who use the data involve road maintenance operators, road condition centres, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and other road maintenance operators.
Comprehensive information for road winter maintenance
We work constantly towards providing up-to-date, comprehensive data for the maintenance of roads through our services throughout Finland. All of the accumulated data are also available openly for software developers through an open interface in the Digitraffic service.
Up-to-date weather information
We offer information related to the Finnish road network through our services or the open Digitraffic interface.
Road condition cameras. The images of road condition and traffic cameras provide information about the condition of road surfaces and traffic. The information of and address links to all road condition camera images can be retrieved through the information. There are more than 900 cameras in use.
Road weather station data. In addition to the most common weather information (air temperature and its relative humidity, dew point temperature, rain and wind information, etc.), our road weather stations provide information about the condition of road surfaces with special road surface sensors. There are more than 420 road weather stations on the highways of Finland, most of them along the main roads. The measurement data collected and updated every minute by road weather stations can be retrieved through the interface.
Contact us for more information. Our contact information can be found here.
More information about our other services can be found here.