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Services for professionals: Traffic lights

Our traffic light service is responsible for the traffic light control of all the highways in Finland. The traffic light service plans, implements and maintains the traffic lights of highways and the related operating and control systems and data communications in a reliable manner with affordable life-cycle costs.

Planning and construction according to the traffic environment

Our planning work is always based on the best possible efficiency of physical and functional solutions. The functional level of quality determines our choices and solutions from the preliminary and general planning phase.

In the actual construction planning phase, we prepare a plan report, drawings, work-specific quality requirements, work specifications, traffic light timing forms, the type drawings to be complied with and cost estimates.

In the implementation phase, we take full responsibility for the measures taken during construction from contractor tendering to work supervision and testing. We are also responsible for the deployment of equipment and systems, including the related user and maintenance training and final documentation. 

The roles and responsibilities related to planning and implementation are always agreed and specified on a project-specific basis.

Continuous maintenance and life-cycle development

We are also responsible for the maintenance of the highway network’s traffic lights 24/7/365. We also provide services related to various life cycle management duties of the traffic light systems of cities and municipalities.

The aim of our technical maintenance services is to ensure the reliable functionality of traffic lights in accordance with the plan. Duties related to our maintenance agreement include, for example:

  • fault and accident maintenance on-call service
  • fault repairs according to the agreed response times
  • periodic inspections and maintenance duties
  • life cycle management and identifying repair investment needs
  • reporting and development cooperation

Emergency vehicle traffic light operation (HALI)

We are also responsible for the operation of automated emergency vehicle right-of-way traffic light systems. The right-of-way system is in use in all municipalities involved in the HALI system. 

Contact us for more information about the HALI cooperation.

Expert roles

Comprehensive planning supports investment decisions. We offer our expert services for the different phases of projects to support decisions.

We provide, for example:

  • procurement and preparation phase consultation
  • technical assessments and surveys
  • development support and project management services

Contact us for more information. Our contact information can be found here.

More information about our other services can be found here.