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Safety zones for special transports introduced on merchant shipping lanes along Finland’s coast

Finland is introducing special maritime transport security zones for the first time to ensure the safe passage of special transports by organizing other traffic in the area. The first safety zone for special transports was introduced in the Inkoo fairway. In the future, similar arrangements will be extended to merchant shipping lanes throughout Finland’s coastal area.

A change of chief and a new training plan - A new wind is blowing at the Air Navigation Services FPC

Flight planning personnel working in the Air Navigation Services FPC are responsible for the distribution of information related to flights and for flight planning.

Improvement work on the alternative route of the Vuosaari road tunnel begins on 14 October

The alternative route for Vuosaari road tunnel on the section Itäväylä–Kallvikintie–Niinisaarentie–Vuosaari Harbour will be improved during late 2024 and spring 2025. Roadworks on the alternative route begin on Monday, 14 October 2024.  By improving the route, we are preparing for the extensive renovation of the Vuosaari tunnel’s technical features, which begins next year and will last for nearly one year, during which time the alternative route of the tunnel will serve as a detour.

Electric scooters now included in the journey planner

Electric scooters can now be found in the journey planner. In the early stages, users can search for scooters on routes in the HSL area for those operators that have provided scooter location and reservation information for journey planners. As safety is top priority for Fintraffic, we would like to remind you of the importance of observing traffic rules. When renting an electric scooter, always make an effort to ensure your own safety and that of your fellow travellers with responsible traffic behaviour.

Fintraffic’s VTS centres prevented two potential groundings this year – maritime safety and efficiency in our waters at a good level

In Finland, the monitoring and oversight of commercial shipping is a crucial part of ensuring maritime safety and environmental protection. Fintraffic’s VTS centres monitor the movement of cargo and passenger ships along the Finnish coastline around the clock, every day of the year. In the first half of 2024, vessel traffic has for the most part proceeded safely both along the Finnish coast and in nearby international waters.
nuori nainen matkustaa junalla

European Union Agency for Railways Report on Railway Safety: Safety on Finnish railways is top tier

Europe has one of the safest railway networks in the world – major accidents are rare and significant accidents have decreased over the last two decades. The European Union Agency for Railways has published its 2024 report on railway safety and interoperability on the EU level. Figures shown in the report also demonstrate the safety of Finland’s railways, which is top tier on the European level.

Fintraffic publication selected as best of the year at ITS World Congress

On 20 September, the ITS World Congress, a major event for intelligent transportation systems, presented an award to Fintraffic’s Road Traffic Management for the best technical publication of 2024. The award-winning publication highlights the importance of a data-driven and ecosystemic approach to improving traffic safety and flow. The publication presents the use cases implemented by Fintraffic. Fintraffic is very visible at the world's leading ITS event, as the company's experts give as many as seven expert speeches on different themes at the event. 

Airspace2027 project to update Finland's airspace to meet aviation's changed user needs

Finland already has an efficient, economical and environmentally-friendly airspace, which will be updated with the Airspace2027 project to meet new user needs that have emerged over the past decade. The aim is for the updated airspace to better support competitive air connections throughout Finland and from Finland abroad taking safety, fluency and the environment into consideration.
Lennonjohtokoulutuksen testitilanne Georgiassa

Avia College won a tender for training Georgian air traffic controllers for the second time – more international training in the coming winter than ever before

Avia College, a specialist vocational education institution owned by Fintraffic Air Navigation Services, won the bidding competition on basic training for Georgian air traffic controllers for the second time. The coming autumn will also include several other international training courses.
Kasvin istutus

Fintraffic is preparing for the implementation of the new CSRD directive: “A significant benefit for both our operations and our sustainability work”

The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) of the European Union, which entered into force last September, sets increasingly stringent requirements for corporate sustainability reporting. This is also reflected in Fintraffic’s operations, where collection of data in accordance with the new requirements will commence in 2025. The first CSRD-compliant report is due to be published the following year.

At the turn of the year, air navigation services will adopt a new performance plan – what is RP4 exactly?

Under EU legislation, each EU country must draw up a performance plan setting out the objectives for services covered by the legislation. The first period (2012–2014) was three years, after which the planning periods were extended to five years. In Finland, the regulation covers the en-route service and the air navigation service of Helsinki Airport.

Something completely new is being done in collaboration with telecom operators in Finland's railway sector: ”It will certainly attract attention”

Digirail is in the process of collaboration with Finnish telecom operators to design a common disturbance map view that enables efficient train traffic.