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A boost for traffic service development: Traffic and transport data now even more comprehensive

Fintraffic will now be able to provide even more comprehensive traffic and transport data to both traffic/transport-sector developers and end users in Finland.

Blog: Growth in the international traffic market is worth seizing

When you make a mobile phone call from one country to another, the connection works seamlessly. It’s also easy to transfer money from an account in one bank to an account in another bank.

Blog: How will digitalisation change transport?

The Finnish Government published its national transport system plan on 15 April 2021. Never before has such an extensive twelve-year plan been made for transport. Top marks for this!

Tero Ojanperä elected as Chair of the Board of Directors of Traffic Management Company Fintraffic Ltd

The Annual General Meeting of Traffic Management Company Fintraffic Ltd resolved to adopt the financial statements for 2020. In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting resolved that no dividend shall be paid for the financial year.